When is a good time to plan for your transition?

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I was talking to another interior designer who was pulled in last minute to take over the operations of the business from her old boss who suddenly passed away. She is well over her head because she had no aspirations to be a business owner, let along any proper training.

This got me thinking about how many people do not plan for their transition in their business and what a pity that is. I remember when the great Robert Ledingham passed, his business went with him. There’s a chance that may have been by design, but I think many business owners that suddenly pass, did not plan well enough for their business transition.

So I wanted to prompt some thought for everyone right now and ask that you think about what your transition plan is. It’s never too early for that. By transition, it doesn’t always have to mean retirement. For myself, I put a transition in place for my 3 companies so that I can achieve my goal of circumnavigating the world in a couple of years. And I’m well on track to make that happen.

So if you are needing help to strategize a transition for your business, reach out to me for a free consultation call.

Starfish Coaching Youtube Channel

This week on my Starfish Coaching YouTube channel, I’m featuring the interview that Adam Baker of Schooley Mitchell did of me. In this video, I share with him the mission and purpose of Starfish Coaching and also a success secret.

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