There is no Shortcutting Business Success

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If you are going into business with a short term view, then it’s probably not for you. Rarely have a seen a business be successful in just a short time. So I’d rather tell you now before you invest a whole bunch of money and time in your startup. There are probably other ways to make money quicker, but building a business is not one of them.

Building a successful business requires constant, long term effort. The work that you put in at the beginning of your business may seem like a lot and you’re probably unsure if it’s actually worth it. But what I’ve learnt in building multiple businesses is that starting up a new venture always takes more effort in the beginning. You have to get it to a point where it can finally coasts and the initial efforts that you put in is now paying back. So building a sustainable business is about the long game.

I know that sometimes it’s hard to get through those trenches. There will be low-points in your business building journey. The advice I can offer you here is to connect passionately with your cause; the purpose of your business. If you have a big enough “Why” for your business and a bold enough Vision, then these two things will be the driving force to pull you through any tough time that you will experience in your journey.

There is one caveat I should put out there, and that is: you must be willing to study your failures and innovate from it. Don’t read from the above message that you should only stick with one strategy for your business no matter if it’s sound or not. I’m a big believer of trying something, assessing it, innovate from it, and trying it again. So the message here is more about putting in the effort to keep on trying until you find success; not about blindly hitting your head against a wall when you’re stuck.

If you are stuck in a place you can’t get out, then feel free to reach out for a free strategy call. I’m sure I can shed some light on your situation.


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