Take a solo retreat for more clarity

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As business owners and entrepreneurs, it’s easy to be preoccupied with fighting fires which makes you lose sight of your priorities. This applies both to your business and personal life.

In the recent months, I’ve noticed that I was feeling a little off-balanced in my life so I decided to take a solo retreat. If you know anything about me, then you won’t be surprised it included a motorcycle ride. I blocked out 3 full days so that I can be in nature and shut off all distractions. By curating my environment, I was able to be in a completely different head space than my normal day-to-day setting. It allowed me to reflect and take inventory of my life.

That process was transformational for me and I walked away with so much clarity in my life and really understood what was important. It’s amazing what can happen when you can put a pause on the seemingly urgent issues and focus on what’s truly important.

For those who are feeling like their life has gotten too busy and not aligned with who they are, I would recommend taking a solo retreat for yourself. Here is an recipe for success that you can use:

  1. Be in nature – It allows you to tap into something greater than you are and connect with a deep sense of gratitude
  2. Shut off all distractions – It’s important in the process of self reflection and visioning to not be distracted by random thoughts
  3. Cook your own meals – The process of preparing a meal is simple and allows you to shut off your brain from all those racing thoughts.
  4. Categorize the your current activities – Think about all that you do and put them into 3 or 4 “buckets” that makes sense to you For example, it could be Work, Family, Personal, and Spiritual.
  5. Analyze how you currently spend your time – List out the items that you are currently spending time on and make a guesstimate of what percentage of your life does each “bucket” currently take up. For example, it could Work (60%), Family (20%), Personal (10%), and Spiritual (10%).
  6. Reprioritize based on priorities – Re-assign a percentage of time you would like to spend on each “bucket” based on their priorities of importance. (Be careful here not to be influenced by the urgency of each tasks within the “bucket”)
  7. Remove or reduce your current tasks – Based on the new percentage, look at each item within the “buckets” and either remove or put on hold the items which are not top priority.

Refocusing on what’s truly important is something I do often when I facilitate a corporate retreat. If you feel that yourself or your management team needs to be aligned with what your business is truly about, then reach out to me and I can help.

These are the results of my corporate retreats:

  • You will be aligned with your mission and purpose
  • You will get clarity of your vision
  • You will have your actions prioritized with your core values
  • You will have some solid goals to work towards
  • You will have a sound strategy for the entire year


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