Challenge, Choice, Change

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I was at an “old school” in-person networking meeting today (remember those?) and connected with an older fellow. In our conversations, he said one sentence to me which made me take a deep reflection on how people are in the world. He brought up the 3 C’s, that is– challenge, choice, and change. I realized how much wisdom is in it so I’d like to pass it on here.

Challenge, Choice, Change

In life, you will constantly come across these 3 C’s and it’s what you do with the last C that determines your success or failure.

Life will always give you CHALLENGES and it’s these moments which are opportunities in disguise. So don’t wish for an easy life with no challenges because there is no such thing, unless you want to live in a false reality.

At these moments of challenges, you will have to make a CHOICE. You can either stay status quo and have more of the same results or choose to do something different.

If you choose to stay status quo, then accept the situation for what it is and move on. Accept that you will get the same results even if you’re not happy about it. It’s absurd to not doing anything about the situation but complaining on why you’re not getting different results. 

If you choose to CHANGE, then you are affecting your future results. What the outcome is remains to be seen, but at least you’ve taken back your power and controlling the course of your life for a different result. You are no longer falling victim to your situation and suffering about why you are no better off in life.

So I hope my interpretation of this person’s wisdom can help you reflect on your own situation. 

If you are looking to MAKE A CHANGE, reach out to me and we can have a conversation.

Starfish Coaching Youtube Channel

The business tip I have this week is around the common challenges of an Interior Designer. If you are a designer, feel free to check out our Design Business Community. It’s a group that I create so that other design business owners can have a safe space to share their ideas, struggles, and aspirations. Click below to watch the video on YouTube.

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