The Power and Price of Marketing

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If you’re in business for yourself, then you HAVE to be doing marketing. There is no other option. It’s as simple as that.

For those who feel like they are not good at promoting themselves, this is something you will have to get over in order for your business to succeed. Imagine a shop owner opening a retail store but never having a sign up or displaying anything about what they sell in their shop window? Do you think they would get any customers into their store?

If you’re in business, then you need to tell the world that you exist and what you’re about. Marketing is as simple as that; it’s just telling people what you do. Powerful marketing is telling many people and doing it in the most effective manner.

Traditionally, marketing has been quite simple because there isn’t really many options. The options back then was word of mouth, print media, advertising in TV and radio, and of course the Yellow Pages. Anyone too young to remember that?

Now, with the advancement of internet and technologies, there is a myriad of options available for your marketing efforts. Traditional print media, tv, and radio ads are still here but waning in numbers. Word of mouth marketing is still the most solid method for conversions and Google has replaced Yellow Pages. What’s relatively new are multiple social media channels that vie for your consumers attention.

With so many options, it definitely is harder to decide which channel you should employ for your marketing. But the good news is that it’s gotten a lot cheaper. Social media for instance, is free and it could be a very powerful avenue for your marketing strategy if executed properly. Gorilla marketing is has proven to be an effective tactic for not that much money if you can get creative enough.

So the power of marketing has increased over the years and price has definitely come down. If you are unsure with what your marketing strategy should be, then feel free to book a call with me and I can help you figure it out.


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