Crossing the Chasm

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Many small business owners go into business for themselves not knowing anything about business and very quickly, they are in for a rude awakening of how much learning needs to happen in order to have a successful business. What they don’t realize is that there is this great chasm that they have to cross in order to get to the other side, which is where success lies.

The problem is that many business owners get caught in the depths of this great chasm and either don’t realize that they are in it or don’t know how to get out of it. They are stuck in it for years and some are never able to get to the other side.

I was in the exact same situation when I started my own design business. Eventually, I failed and learnt enough to know how to cross the chasm. Then, I found success again and again with a few other businesses, and developed my own business framework from my 25 years in business. From all this experience, I can share this with you.

The pain you’ll feel when you’re stuck in the chasm:

  • Working long hours
  • Stressed out about not getting enough work to pay the bills
  • Bearing 100% of the business stress and headaches
  • Not having enough revenue to pay your own salary
  • Not having enough time for personal activities & interests

The rewards that you’ll get for crossing the chasm:

  • Having a team that can help you manage the stress and workload of the business
  • Having systems and process so that the business operations runs smoothly
  • Not feeling like the whole business is dependent on you
  • Ability to take extended vacations
  • Have steady revenue that covers the expenses
  • Have a successful business that generates recurring profits

So don’t wait! Your goal as a business owner is not to create a business just to get stuck in it. Instead, you need to learn to cross that chasm as soon as you can. I’m not vested in how you do it, except that I want to see all business owners get to the other side. You can choose to learn it on your own, or you can find a business coach to help you shortcut the path to success. What’s most important is that you cross that chasm to success on the other side!

If you’re a designer and have started your business but don’t know how to cross the chasm to the other side, then check out my Designers Business Academy where I’ve developed online training programs specifically to help business owners accelerate their design business.

Starfish Coaching Youtube Channel

This week on my Starfish Coaching YouTube channel, I compare two computer devices which are great for Designers; the Microsoft Surface Pro and the Samsung S8 Ultra.

See which one is right for you:

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