3 Essential Personalities for a Successful Team

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As a long-time entrepreneur who has been studying businesses and helping organizations, I have determined the 3 essential personalities for a successful team.

Have you ever baked a cake before, and left out the sugar? Or maybe you left out the flour? What happens? This is an example of why it’s important to have all the right ingredients for a successful recipe, the same goes for businesses and organizations. In my career of studying and building businesses, I’ve noticed that there are 3 key personalities that are required to go into a successful business. That is, the Dreamer, the Do-er, and the Critic. Now, what are these roles?

The 3 Personalities

The Dreamer is essentially the visionary, the person who is the big thinker. An example of a Dreamer would be an artist. They envision the big idea and provide direction for the company.

The Do-er takes the idea from the Dreamer and executes the plan- making the dream a reality. An example of a Do-er is an accountant or an engineer, those who are detail-oriented.

The Critic serves as an anchor and grounds the Dreamer. Often, the importance of the Critic (who are essential to the Dreamer) are overlooked. The Dreamer has these great ideas, but should be held accountable by he Critic, who reminds them of their boundaries and the reality. The Critic is often nonexistent in companies is because it’s not human nature to attract criticism. Realistically, who wants to receive criticism? Who wants to their ideas to be questioned? However, those who are self-aware and invite criticism will ultimately become more well-rounded.

With that being said, the Dreamer, Do-er, and Critic all need to be on one team in order to achieve the the greatest potential of your business. These 3 essential personalities will work hand-in-hand, propelling the success of your business!


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